AEMN Group was founded to ensure up & coming music artists and professionals can seek professional but affordable assistance, advice and management within the music industry. Both AEMN entertainment group ESQ. & AEMN management group provide services ranging from contractual advisory services to professional artist management.

AEMN Group Operations

Our Advisory Services

Our Management Services

To learn more about AEMN Group operations, download our brochure from the link below.

Our Team Members 

Founder & Managing director

Alexandra Jaaskelainen 

(Read my story here)

Management team

Soraya Rezaie

Annalena Burger 

Amy Johnson

Fran Basile

Who we are

Both companies were founded to ensure up & coming music artists and professionals can seek professional but affordable assistance, advice and management within the music industry. Both AEMN entertainment group ESQ. & AEMN management group provide services ranging from contractual advisory services to professional artist management.

Founder & CEO - Alexandra Jaaskelainen

AEMN Entertainment Esq.


AEMN Management Group

© Copyright AEMN Groups 2020